A Field Guide to Alterhumanity
Otherkin, Fictionkin, Therianthropy, Plurality and More
This is a carrd-based web document covering what's already out there on the internet, all in one tidy spot, in attempt to prevent further spread of misinformation.This document is written and handled by a 25+ year old fictive in an undiagnosed system with multiple kintypes and years of experience in the community. Please be aware this primarily written from memory and once-thought common knowledge, with some cross-references across many websites to keep track of newly coined terms and their usage. It is always suggested to look at multiple sources when researching any topic.Otherkin, therianthropy, and related terms are (often spiritual) understandings of the self and the soul. Some may feel their kin connections are psychological in nature, and are also accepted in the community. Either way, these are very serious identities for those involved, and are not roleplay.Kin identities are also involuntary, though some may choose not to disclose or otherwise acknowledge their kintypes.This article also covers Plurality, which is often (but not always) caused by a dissociative disorder, because it also falls under the Alterhuman label -- they are different experiences entirely, and are mentioned here for clarification purposes.The umbrella term used here, Alterhuman, was popularized by Alt+H and coined here. See it's definition below for more details.PAGE LAST UPDATED: 1/19/2025
- More neutral language and general updates to the writer's personal views, as well as general cleaning up and term addings. As I get back in to the community I will continue trying to keep this page as up to date as possible. Apologies for previous biases or miswordings.
>GENERAL TERMSALTERHUMANITY - A very large umbrella term that includes everything on this entire page and more. Otherkin, therians, fictionkin, and plurals all fall under Alterhuman, but so do Otherhearteds, Otherlinks, Posthumanists, and even furry lifestylers. Refers to anything that'd be considered atypical humanity or nonhumanity.OTHERKIN - A person who involuntarily identifies as being non-human in nature, such as elves and dragons. Can sometimes be considered an 'umbrella term' to Therians and Fictionkin, but was replaced by Alterhuman over time.SPIRITUAL OTHERKIN - Type of 'kinity where one feels their identification is spiritual in nature, such as past lives, alternate lives, or rarely future lives.PSYCHOLOGICAL OTHERKIN - Type of 'kinity where one feels their identification is related to neurodivergency or mental illnesses such as psychosis.ENDEL - A self-identifier that specifies one's psychological 'kinnity is delusional in nature. Can be used as a descriptor like 'Endelic Otherkin'.THERIAN - A person who involuntarily believes in or feels connection to this-world animals such as wolves, foxes, cats, etc. Short for Therianthrope and sometimes called Animalkin.CLADOTHERIAN - A type of therianthropy that refers to identifying as a classification rather than a specific species (ex. Being kin with wolves in general or even all canids, instead of an eastern timber wolf). Also called Cladokin.GREYMUZZLE - An older therian, usually 30 years old minimum, but usually older hence the 'grey' part.FICTIONKIN - A person who involuntarily believes in or feels connection to specific species or characters in media, for example being a random wild Pikachu, or specifically Ash's Pikachu. Previous/alternative terms are Fickin, Fictkin, Mediakin, and for japanese media there was Otakin (but no one really uses it anymore, did not catch on much).FACTKIN - A controversial identity where a person identifies as another human person. Although this is very common in typical reincarnation beliefs, the Factkin label typically refers to identifying as well known people such as youtube content creators, people often on television, or historical figures. Trolls use it often.>For Voluntary or Semi-voluntary labels,
Please scroll down to Similar Terms section.KINTYPE - A term used to refer to the entity that one feels a connection towards (ex. someone has a wolf kintype).KIN SHIFT - When someone feels a stronger connection to their kintype, such as 'returning to old habits' or 'being homesick'. Some feel they are always in a kin shift, where others may feel them more rarely.KIN MEMORIES - Memories for kintypes are similar to our this-world memories, in that they come in different ways. Simply knowing something that may not have been in the 'source material', having specific emotions towards certain things without particular reason, thinking on it similarly to a daydream, etc. Not everyone has memories, and this can vary kintype to kintype.DOUBLES - Refers to people who share a kintype, usually in regard to Fictionkin characters. Can be used positively or negatively, as some people feel invalidated if they are not "the only one" with that kintype.CAMEO SHIFT - The phenomenon where someone experiences a "kin shift" to something that someone does not feel they are truly kin with. Can last any amount of time and be re-occurring.FLICKER - Often in reference to Fictionflickers. These psuedo-kintypes feel strong upon discovery but fade with time, leading to discarding the supposed kintype label later on.POLYKIN - The term for someone with more than one kintype. In older days, especially in Therian circles, having only a singular kintype was more common, though this is generally no longer the case.EXOMEMORIES - Term that refers to memories from a past/alternate life. A type of exomemory that is used more often is Exotrauma, where one attributes a traumatic experience to their kintype or due to being an introject (see: plurality section).TRANS-SPECIES - Refers to those who want to make their physical body closer to their kintype's body. May include changes like long nails, hair color, tattoos, and other body modification. Has nothing to do with TransID spaces, though that community often uses the term in the same or similar way.SPECIES DYSPHORIA - A type of dysphoria/dismorphia regarding one's physical body in comparison to a kintype's body, usually in reference to therians, otherkin, and species-based fictionkin. This may be a general experience or linked to kin shifts or phantom limbs.PHANTOM LIMBS - Describes the phenomenon in which a kin shifted individual or [often nonhuman] alter feels sensations of their presently-nonexistent body parts, such as animal ears, tails, or wings. Also called Astral Limbs or Kin Limbs due to overlap with amputee terms.PHYSICAL SHIFTERS - Also known as P-Shifters, this is a fantasy where the human body can physically transform to be one's kintype. It was once common more as clickbait articles (ex. light a candle and walk into a graveyard and howl at the moon to become a werewolf) but has led to abuse in many cases. Due to this, the term is rarely used as no one really 'falls for it' anymore.HOLOTHERE - A descriptor for other identities that indicates the individual identifies as being physically nonhuman. This may be due to delusions or similar reasons and is intentionally left vague. It can describe those who feel they shift between human and nonhuman, but explicity does not include those who 'want to become' nonhuman.
>ALTERNATIVE KIN UMBRELLASMYTHKIN - A more direct identity term for otherkin that specifically refers to mythologically sourced identities, such as dragons, merpeople and unicorns.FAEFOLK - Also called Faekin, refers to those who identify as any type of fairy. Can include elves, as well as may be seen as it's own culture to the side of otherkin to some.DIVINEKIN - A more direct identity term for those whose kintypes are divine in nature, such as angels, demons, and other deities.CONCEPTKIN - A nonstandard but somewhat common type of alterhumanity where one feels they are the embodiment of a concept, such as rainfall, shadows, or stars.
Exact interpretations of how this works may vary.OBJECTKIN - A nonstandard and uncommon type of alterhumanity where the one feels connected to or that they should have been an object. This is often things like Dollkin, but may refer to any object including food. Exact interpretations of how this works may vary.MACHINEKIN - A vaguely umbrella term for those who identify as machines or tech related things, such as computers, artificial intelligence, gaming consoles, or specific programs such as MS Paint.PLANTKIN - A nonstandard and uncommon type of alterhumanity where one feels connected to or that they should have been a plant. Made fun of by trolls often, but has a long history behind it. Exact interpretations of how this works may vary. Alternate terms include Phyanthropes and Greenkin.MUSICKIN - A nonstandard but somewhat common type of alterhuman who identifies with or as music, typically a specific song or album.
>SIMILAR TERMSOTHERHEARTED - When someone feels connected to or identifies with an entity (character, animal, etc.) as opposed to identifying as being/been the entity. Has alt labels such as Fictionhearted and Animalhearted.KITH / -HEARTED - Term used to refer to one's Otherhearted connection (ex. My kith is a fox / I am fox-hearted). A alternate word for kith is Heart-type.SYNPATH - Similar to Hearttypes/kiths but specifically without it affecting one's identity. Often but not always refers to fictional characters, and could in some ways be considered as "a few steps above just being a favorite character".HEARTHOME - Similar to otherhearted, but more towards a location or world, where one feels strongly connected to or that they should've been born in that place instead.
OTHERLINK - Previously referred to only as Copinglinks, an otherlink is a similar identity label to otherkin except it is voluntary. Copinglinks are specifically for coping, but otherlinks are more general, so it depends on preference on which is used.OTHERSPIN / OTHERFIX - Term relating to an alterhuman identity gained through special interests or hyperfixations. These may be temporary and are likely similar to Flickers.KFF - Stands for Kin For Fun, sometimes referred to as Kinnies or Wishkin. Usually referring to younger communities, it is a label applied to people who spread misinformation about alterhuman labels, usually in reference to voluntary vs involuntary identities. KFFs often will say "kinning is just relating to a character" and show no sign of having researched anything.DELUSIONAL ATTACHMENTS - A non-clinical term coined for identities (usually as a character or real person) that are derived from psychosis, also referred to using the term IRL. This is a valid label in itself, but is extremely often misused by KFF to call Otherkin psychotic due to ableism, which damages all involved communities. As a reminder, the Otherkin and similar labels include psychological kin.VAMPYRES - Individuals that identify as vampires in varying degrees, including casual 'lifestylers', and is somewhat related to the gothic subculture. Many vampires feel they can feed in some way, either on blood or types of energy.GOD SHARDS - Individuals who believe they are a fragment of a greater deity.DAEMIANS - Similar to modern tulpamancers, and influenced by a book series in their practices. The formed entity is refered to as a Daemon and generally acklowedged to be a part of one's consciousness given, typically, a symbolically animal form.ARCHTROPE - An identity label referring to identifying as or with an archtype, generic role, or even types of jobs or social statu. Examples may include Royalty, Villains, Rangers and Clowns.ALDERNIC - An identity label referring to one who wishes to have an atypical body or body parts, often referring to parts that are animalistic or otherwise may not be physically or normally possible. May relate to Species Dysphoria, and may involve an Altersex identity.
>PLURAL TERMS>> Included in this carrd due to overlap between communities. Some people may struggle to understand they are plural and misidentify as otherkin with 'strong kin shifts', as well as alters may have their own kintypes.PLURAL / SYSTEM- Any person who shares a body with multiple other people, typically due to a dissociative disorder of some type but not always.MEDIAN SYSTEM - A label used for anyone who feels not quite singlet, but not dissociated enough to consider themselves fully plural either, feeling 'in the middle'. These systems usually share a singular identity with their host, but with various differences (ex. All facets identify as Anna, but are different 'modes' of Anna).FACETS - The 'members' of a median system, which may have different name, pronoun, etc preferences but are not entire individual people.DID - Dissociative Identity Disorder, previously known as Multiple Personality Disorder, is the mental status of one body holding multiple personalities, known as Alters. Systems with DID typically have amnesiac blackouts, and may not share memory well between each alter. This disorder is almost always due to trauma, but some identify as it being unrelated, or that their system is not disordered.DDNOS / OSDD - Dissociative Disorder Not Otherwise Specified and Other Specified Dissociative Disorder. Systems that share memory well, do not have blackouts, or any other unclear diagnostic criteria that does not suit DID.TRAUMAGENIC - A type of plurality where the origin is directly rooted in trauma, either long-term trauma/neglect or a specific traumatic event. Not everyone experiences trauma the same way, as well as unfortunately many do not understand what a wide range trauma can refer to. Not all traumagenic systems identify as disordered.ENDOGENIC - A type of plurality umbrella that refers to systems identifying as being created unrelated to trauma. Includes people who were born plural in some way, soulbonders, tulpamancers, maladaptive daydreamers, etc. Some systems feel they are mixed-origin, where some alters are trauma-originated but not are all, for example.TULPAS - A type of 'forced' headmate that is generated through meditation and encouraged dissociation. These and Soulbonds are typically present in plurals that identify as 'Willogenic' (desired to be plural) and can be controversial in the overall plural community, either due to creation method or cultural appropriation. Some may use the alternative and vaguer term Thoughtform.SOULBOND - The term soulbond was originally used for the phenomena in which writers felt their characters 'became alive' to them. Smaller early 90s groups used Soulbond interchangeably with Fictive, so there is controversy that fictional introjects stole the term. Some websites about soulbonds describe them as similar to Tulpas, but more of a 'connection to outside entity' way than a 'generated internally' way.FRONTING - Verb used to describe when one alter has more presence at the 'front', controlling the body. Multiple alters may be aware at once, referred to as co-fronting or co-consciousness.HOST - Term used to refer to either the 'core' or 'original' of a system, though does not always apply in the case of systems either with no current host or that never felt they had one. For these systems, or otherwise alternate usage, Host refers to the one that fronts the most often.CORE - Older term referring to the 'original' that alters split from, but is rarely in use as this is a label that is hard to 'prove' or apply in general, as not all systems have or ever had one.ALTER - An alter is one of the alternate 'personalities' or beings that share the body. Other common terms for them are Headmates and Parts.INTROJECT - An alter in a system that is in some way inspired by outside beings such as cartoon characters, people you know irl, etc. An alter without a 'base' like this is often just called an alter.FACTIVE - A somewhat slang word for an alter in a system that is in some way derived from a real person, such as an abuser, a comforting celebrity, or a family member. Often also just called introjects.FICTIVE - An alter in a system that is in some way derived from media, such as an alter who behaves like and/or feels they have the appearance of a character (e.g., an alter who identifies as Dr. Who upon formation). This is slang for 'Fictional Introject' these days, though was also used in early Soulbond circles.EXTRANTROPE - A term that refers to any nonhuman headmate. In some old circles, nonhuman headmates were referred to as Otherkin as well, but both terms have lessened in usage in favor of just saving 'nonhuman headmate'.FABLEING - In median systems, sometimes a facet may present closely to the host's kintype, and feels they are somewhere between a kintype and a fictive alter.ANP - Apparently Normal Part. This term refers to alters that behave more or less like any other person, and are the most common type of alter. They don't have much of a 'role' other than 'keep the body alive'.PERSECUTOR - A type of alter role that misbehaves, such as via abusing other alters, fronting to do harm to those outside of the system, or self harms the body. Although some in the community may interpret them as 'evil' or try to hide or get rid of them, Persecutor alters are better considered to be people with very poor coping mechanisms, and should be listened to and understood as such.PROTECTOR - A type of alter that does what they believe is best for the system, taking on a guardian role. May be over-defensive in some cases, fronting whenever trouble arises.LITTLE - A type of alter that is a child or otherwise young-minded, extremely common in systems with trauma around that age. For alters more in the teenage years, Middle is often used. Also common are age-sliders, alters that may 'slide' between different ages. Due to term overlap with other communities, people may prefer terms like Smalls or Syskids.GATEKEEPER - A type of alter that, similarly to the Protector, tends to focus more inwardly, keeping track of any persecutor alters or walk-ins. Some Gatekeepers can control memories or who can or cannot front.WALK-INS - A type of alter that believes they were not originated internally and simply 'appeared' into the system, typically bringing their own memories and confusions upon arrival. A system that commonly experiences this type of alter may use the label 'Gateway system'.HEADSPACE - Also known as 'inner world' or rarely 'otherworld' or 'happy place', it is the mental manifestation of a location inside a system's mind, where each alter is 'visible'. Where some may have blank headspaces, others may have more complicated ones, such as inner worlds that have multiple rooms and locations for each alter to live. Some people, especially those with Aphantasia, may have no headspace at all.INTEGRATION - The act of alters reforming back into one solid identity. This is the end goal of many types of dissociative disorder-focused therapies, but can occasionally cause discomfort in the community.FUSION - Similar to Integration, but typically refers to two alters becoming one, rather than the entire system. Full integration is referred to as Final Fusion.
Otherkin History
Historically, Otherkin is derived from Elves!
Elfkinkind were the most documented kintype around the early 70s, finding spiritual connections through the works of J. R. R. Tolkien, and not officially coining the terms Otherkind and Otherkin until around 1990. More on this here, in a document by Scribner.Terms like Otakin/Otakukin/Mediakin and later Fictionkin weren't coined until later, though due to some of the original Elves later identifying as Hobbits, they rose to prominence one and the same. Likewise, some Dragonkin described themselves as being specific kinds of dragons from other media.Therianthropy grew as it's own community, as did the Draconic community, though the latter tend to just identify as Dragonkin now.
Defining a Kintype
As mentioned above, the entity that otherkin feel their connection to is known as a kintype. True kintypes tend to be spiritual in nature, feeling that one's soul is somehow connected to the entity in question, typically either through cross-universal reincarnation or through multi-universal simultaneous existence. There are other ways that otherkin may feel their connections, such as psychological kin, but spiritual tends to be more common.The biggest factor in something being a kintype, is identifying as being or having been in some way the entity in question.One great misunderstanding in the community is that not all otherkin identify presently as their kintypes, like their kintypes, or sometimes have even consumed the media / researched much into their kintypes. These people may have kin shifts or may have 'memories' from the kintype regardless.If you are questioning otherkin connections but do not identify in any way with the text above, there are other terms that you may feel suit you better! Read back in the dictionary segment about Otherhearted, Synpath, and Otherlink labels.
My Kintype Talks!
Another reason why this dictionary page includes Plurality is due to the situations where someone is unsure if they are experiencing a kin shift or the presence of an alter.
Typically the clearest way to tell if it is a kintype or plurality is if the 'kintype' has a separate thought process from yours, talks to you in any way, or if the 'kin shift' is especially strong in the way that it feels like your entire identity changes. This is not clear cut to some people, so they may struggle working it out, as well as median systems may find themselves somewhere in between.
Other Resources
How To Survive In A Strange World After Sliding In To An Alternate Timeline - A pdf booklet primarily aimed towards fictives.Astraea's Web - A very old web page from the 90s with a wealth of resources, including their own more expanded glossary.